The rights of tenants with disabilities and housing laws in Massachusetts will be the focus of a free community forum in Cambridge this June.
Hosted jointly by the Disability Law Center and the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities, this event will feature a training session on housing laws, followed by a public forum to provide feedback on the issues facing people with disabilities. A light lunch will also be served.
The forum will be held at the Cambridge Public Library (449 Broadway) from 10-3 on Friday, June 10.
The event is free, but space is limited and RSVP is required. To RSVP, call 617-723-8455 x 123 or email by June 3.
Out of consideration for people with environmental illness and/or multiple chemical sensitivity, please refrain from using perfume or other scented products at the event.
Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) will be provided.