The SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) program is a network of volunteer health benefits counselors who have been trained and certified to provide information and assistance regarding health insurance and benefits to older people, disabled Medicare beneficiaries, and their family, partners, and caregivers.


SHINE Counselors:

  • Offer education about Medicare and other health insurance coverage, including Medigap and Medicare Rx plans
  • Evaluate health insurance needs
  • Review present health coverage to maximize benefit for cost
  • Provide information about prescription drug coverage options
  • Help with health benefit claims or billing problems
  • Assist in completing applications for health benefit programs, including those offered through Massachusetts Health and Human Services




Residents of Somerville or Cambridge age 60 or older

  • For office appointments, call one of the following agencies:
    Cambridge Council On Aging –  617-349-6220
    Somerville Council On Aging – 617-625-6600, x2300
    Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services – 617-628-2601, x3151
  • For in-home appointments, call:
    Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services – 617-628-2601, x3151

Residents of other communities age 60 or older, call 1-800-AGE-INFO (TTY 1-800-0166)