Nominations are now open for Serving Seniors 2021

Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services is now seeking nominations for the 2021 Serving Seniors Awards ceremony. If you know someone you would like to nominate for one of the following awards, please carefully review the selection criteria, complete the nomination PDF, and send it to no later than Sept. 1, 2021. Please be sure to write your name and contact information on the form.

Award recipients will be honored at Serving Seniors in November.



The Kahn Collaboration Award is given to honor the memory of Nancy P Kahn. A case manager and supervisor at SCES for over ten years, she was a strong advocate for older people and interagency collaboration. This award recognizes those who work with other community agencies to strengthen the coordination and availability of services for older people and people with disabilities.


The selection criteria for the Kahn Award are as follows, recipients:

  • must be employed in Cambridge or Somerville;
  • may not be a current employee, Board member or Advisory Council member of SCES;
  • must be involved professionally in the provision of services to older people;
  • must demonstrate a commitment to elder services that go above and beyond his/her regular job description and result in positive long-term impact on services for older people;


The Sousa Advocacy Award honors the efforts of those who stand-up and speak out for the rights, needs, and abilities of elders.  A long-time Cambridge resident and member of the SCES Board of Directors, John Phillip Sousa was an outspoken and tireless advocate for elders, especially the poor and frail. This award recognizes those who provide similar advocacy on behalf of older adults and people with disabilities.


The selection criteria for the Sousa Award are as follows, recipients:

  • may not be a paid staff member of an agency or organization where advocacy activities are the function of the person’s regular job responsibilities;
  • must have demonstrated exceptional advocacy efforts on behalf of older people in Somerville and Cambridge in the past year.



The Tingle Volunteerism Award is presented in honor of Jim Tingle, who worked for many years as a volunteer in the Cambridge elder services community.  The award recognizes those who, like Jim, volunteered their time and energy to benefit disadvantaged and needy older residents in Cambridge and Somerville.


The selection criteria for the Tingle Award are as follows, recipients:

  • must currently be an active volunteer, or recently retired from active volunteer work;
  • must have been focused on meeting the basic needs-shelter, food, financial assistance, health and social services-of disadvantaged and/or needy older persons;
  • preferably, will have been previously unrecognized for her/his efforts.


The Compassionate Care Professional Award honors a caregiver who is caring for a person over 60 in a paid capacity.  This includes a wide range of paid positions such as homemaker, home health aide, adult day health provider, companion, driver, nurse, social worker, specialty therapist, and physician.


The selection criteria for the award are as follows, recipients:

  • must be a paid caregiver for a person over 60 living in Cambridge or Somerville;
  • may not be a current employee, Board member or Advisory Council member of SCES;
  • demonstrate compassion and commitment to insuring the highest quality of care possible.


The Outstanding Caregiver Award honors the outstanding efforts of a family member or friend who is caring for a person over 60.  This caregiver has a personal connection with the person receiving care, and demonstrates uncommon devotion and resilience during the caregiving process.


The selection criteria for the award are as follows, recipients:

  • must provide care for a person over 60 living in Cambridge or Somerville, or through the Adult Family Care program;
  • may not be a current member of the staff of Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services;
  • demonstrate an outstanding commitment to providing quality care to an older relative or friend.


The Jalna Perry LGBT Award honors individuals who work to create a positive and affirming environment for Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender elders and caregivers.  A nominee can be a person of any age working in a formal or informal capacity.  May not be a current employee, Board member or Advisory Council member of SCES.


The Spirit of SCES Award recognizes an SCES employee who embodies the best of who we are at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services. This award recognizes somebody who is a difference-maker, but also makes everyone around them better through caring, commitment and teamwork.


The selection criteria for the award are as follows, recipients:

  • should demonstrate consistent excellence in helping our agency accomplish its mission. The ideal candidate is caring, committed and a team player;
  • must be an employee at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services for at least one year at the time of nomination;
  • preferably will have been previously unrecognized for her/his efforts.



Please help us find the people who deserve these awards!