Should I get a Covid Booster?

Staying up to date with your COVID-19 vaccination schedule is important, and Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) is here to help.

Contact our Aging Information Center with questions about vaccinations, making appointments or for transportation to a vaccination appointment.

SCES is providing reliable information about the vaccine on the following topics:

  • Should I get a COVID booster shot?
  • Where can I get the vaccine?
  • Homebound vaccines
  • Transportation to Vaccine appointments

Should I get a COVID booster shot?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone stay up-to-date with vaccinations and boosters. Click here to read specific CDC booster recommendations.

Where can I get a vaccine?

The Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Vaccine Finder has information about vaccine locations and availability statewide. Residents can also call 211 to access the Massachusetts Vaccine Scheduling Resource Line for help booking an appointment.

Homebound vaccinations

For individuals who cannot reasonably leave their homes, call (833) 983-0485 to arrange for an in-home booster shot. The Commonwealth is providing COVID-19 in-home vaccinations. Callers will immediately be assessed for in-home vaccination need, registered, and scheduled. Appointments can generally be made within two weeks from the scheduling call.

Additional languages:
• Spanish Vaccine Info Line: 617-591-3252
• Portuguese Vaccine Info Line: 617-591-3253
• Haitian Creole Vaccine Info Line: 617-591-3254
• Nepali Vaccine Info Line: 617-591-3255

Transportation to Appointments 

Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services is offering free transportation, via one of SCES’ transportation providers, for local older adults to COVID-19 vaccination sites in Cambridge, Somerville and adjacent communities. Click here for more details.