Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) is encouraging everyone to get vaccinated when they become eligible. We are also supporting the vaccination effort by providing transportation to local vaccine appointments, offering assistance at clinics in senior housing, and sharing reliable information about the through our website and Aging Information Center.
Read on for more information, and to meet some of the great people we’ve come into contact with through this effort….
SCES is offering free cab rides for local older adults to COVID-19 vaccination sites in Cambridge, Somerville and adjacent communities.
The program is open older adults (age 60 and up) from Cambridge and Somerville. We ask that you call well ahead of the appointment, so that we can connect you with a transportation option, and you can plan the most convenient travel time for yourself. Masks will be required during transportation.
For more information about the SCES vaccination transportation program, or to register for a ride, call SCES at 617-440-0995 or email
Helping at Clinics
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services has a special COVID website section, and a page dedicated to local vaccine resources.
The Aging Information Center is also available to answer general questions about the vaccine and local resources, and can also provide more information about the transportation program. Contact the Aging Information Center by calling 617-628-2601 or email