SCES Board Receives Collected Works of Senior Center Writers

Lily Owyang started the First Thursday Writing Group at the Cambridge Citywide Senior Center in 2012—and earlier this month she gifted copies of the group’s collected works to her colleagues on the Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) board.

Titled “Senior Moments: Joy, Wonder, Self,” the book features 60 pages of poetry and prose from more than a dozen contributors.

Owyang started the free monthly writing workshop to encourage writers of all skill levels to find their inner voice. She also edited and published the book.

SCES Board Book Presentation
Lily Owyang (front and center) recently presented the collected works for the First Thursday Writing Group to her colleagues on the Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services board. The group is a free writing workshop that meets monthly at the Cambridge Citywide Senior Center SCES PHOTO

‘Senior Moments’ is available for $5 at Citywide Senior Center, with all proceeds going to support future programming and activities there.

As the name suggests, the First Thursday Writing Group meets once per month at the Cambridge Citywide Senior Center, from 1-2 p.m.

For more information about the writing group, or other programs at the Cambridge Senior Centers, call 617-349-6220, or visit the Council on Aging page of the Cambridge City Website.

The following is an excerpt from Senior Moments. It was written by Evelyn Toner, who was the first writer to join the First Thursday Writing Group. The book is dedicated in her memory.  

Life Begins at 65

Twenty five years have come and gone

And at the age of ninety, I’m still going strong.

There’s line dancing, walking and exercise too.

And also some trips to see me through!

There’s never any time to pout and whine.

I’m enjoying life one day at a time.

So just remember as the years unfold

Life’s what you make it–

So reach for more of the Gold!

— Evelyn Toner