SCES Meals on Wheels featured in Photo Essay by MIT Fellow

Several people who receive Meals on Wheels through Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) were recently featured in a photo essay by an MIT Research Fellow.

The photo essay was created by Chloe Hecketsweiler, a reporter for the Le Monde in Paris who is currently wrapping up a fellowship at the Knight Science Journalism program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

MIT Fellow and Le Monde reporter Chloe Hecketsweiler (left) recently visited the SCES Meals Program to learn more about Meals on Wheels. She’s seen here with Meals Program Director Deb McLean and Allex Machado.

Hecketsweiler contacted SCES because she wanted to learn more about Meals on Wheels and the people the program serves,  explained SCES Director of Outreach and Community Relations Nathan Lamb.

The SCES Meals Program arranged for Hecketsweiler to ride with a Meals on Wheels driver, and meet with clients who confirmed earlier in the week that they were open to speaking with a reporter, added Lamb.

“Chloe was really great about working with us, to respect the privacy of our clients, and she did a great job with the photo essay,” said Lamb.