Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) and the Culinary Department at Somerville High School have partnered to offer Grab-and-Go meals this fall.
The meals are free for eligible recipients. Cambridge or Somerville residents over age 60 are eligible, as are spouses and dependents with a disability of eligible people who are receiving a meal.
On Friday, Oct. 15 one meal per person can be picked up in front of Somerville High School, 81 Highland Avenue, at 1 p.m.
Participants must pre-register by calling 617 628 2601 and asking for the Nutrition Department. You will be mailed a form to fill out and return. Slots are limited, so register soon!
The first meal will be chicken pot pie with spinach salad and a cookie. The Grab-and-Go meals will return on Nov. 19 and Dec. 17.