Team SCES raises nearly $3K to support food security

SCES staffers Lindsey Smilack, Annie Fowler, Meghan Ostrander and Nathan Lamb walked from the SCES offices to the Longfellow Bridge as part of the virtual Project Bread Walk for Hunger on May 1

Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES) is sending out thanks to everyone who helped Team SCES raise nearly $3,000 in April to support food security through the Project Bread Walk for Hunger.

As of May 1, Team SCES raised $2,970. Sixty percent of those donations will benefit the SCES Meals on Wheels program, with the remainder going toward Project Bread’s statewide food security initiatives. Team SCES Captain Nathan Lamb thanked everyone who supported the effort.

“Our original goal was to raise $1,000, and it was fantastic to see so much more community support for this great program,” said Lamb. “I am deeply grateful to everyone who helped make this such a success.”

SCES Meals on Wheels supports food security by delivering nutritious meals for Cambridge and Somerville residents age 60 and over. In a recent survey of SCES Meals on Wheels recipients, 72% of respondents said it provides their main meal of the day. Just under half of respondents said they would have a food shortage without the meals.

The 2022 Project Bread Walk for Hunger was held virtually on May 1. Several members of Team SCES converged at the agency offices that morning and walked over to the Longfellow Bridge and back.

“It was a perfect day for a walk, and a nice way to finish this team effort,” said Lamb.

The members of Team SCES are: Rachel Berry, Giovannie Bertrand, Ainsley Broderick, Annie Fowler, Courtney Johnson, Nathan Lamb, Colleen Morrissey, Michael Mosbach, Lindsey Smilack and Julie Torsney.

Team SCES is thanking everyone who donated: Robin Bradshaw, Rachel Berry, Giovannie Bertrand, Ainsley Broderick, Tim and Jen Cappetta, Sarah Crombie, Ellen Ellis, David Elmer Anne Fowler, Oliver Karrin, Nathan Lamb, Debbie Leopold, Scott Lucey, Jason McDonough, Diane Martin, Craig and Jennifer Maurer, Colleen Morrissey, Michael Mosbach, Carolyn Murray, Christina Murphy, Christina and Nathan Paulin, Tim Schmidt, Jennifer Shedd, Lindsey Smilack, Craig Spadafora, Paula Spizziri, Andrea Svartstrom, Bonnie Talbert, Daniel Thomas, Kim Thomas, Ellyn Torres, Julie Torsney, Phil Torsney, Kate Younger, Sophie Yuckienuz, and our anonymous donors.

Click here to visit the Team SCES page and donate!


SCES staffers Lindsey Smilack, Annie Fowler, Meghan Ostrander and Nathan Lamb walked from the SCES offices to the Longfellow Bridge as part of the virtual Project Bread Walk for Hunger on May 1