In-Home Support

Most people prefer to remain at home, even when living independently becomes more challenging because of frailty, chronic illness or disability.  We provide an array of in-home programs and services that help make this dream a reality, even for people who may think that a nursing home is the only option.

Our staff identify unmet needs and coordinate services to help individual remain safely at home.  In addition, we offer a range of specialized programs that allow adults (age 16 or older) to have greater control over the design and delivery of services, provide unique housing supports, and pay family caregivers to provide care.

Home Care and SCO/One Care Services include:

  • Case Management
  • Adult Day Programs
  • Personal Care
  • Food Shopping
  • Home Safety Adaptations
  • Housekeeping
  • Laundry
  • Meal Preparation
  • Personal Emergency Response Systems
  • Supervision/Companionship
  • Transportation
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Home Health Services

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In Home Services

Home Care

Provides services to older residents of Cambridge and Somerville who need assistance so they may continue to live independently and safely at home. ECOP and Choices programs are also available. Depending on income and eligibility, services may be state-subsidized.

Home Care Services and Eligibility

Senior Care Options (SCO)/One Care

Provides support service coordination for those ages 21-64 enrolled in the One Care program and those ages 65 & older enrolled in the Senior Care Options (SCO) program. Both programs offer adults the opportunity to receive health care & social support services. MassHealth required.

Money Management

Money Management matches trained volunteers with adults who need assistance managing their own money. Volunteers help with writing checks, balancing checkbooks, budgeting monthly income, and running bank errands. Rep Payee services are also available.

Money Management staff and volunteers monitor transactions to protect clients while they are in the program. Open to Cambridge and Somerville residents age 60 and over, and younger people with disabilities. Possible fee for Rep Payee clients.

Make a Referral

Adult Family Care (AFC)

Ensures that older adults and persons with disabilities are able to live in supportive family settings that foster the best quality of life for themselves and their caregivers. Family or host caregivers are provided with financial assistance, plus ongoing training and support from a nurse and a social worker. MassHealth required.

Visit Adult Family Care Website

Take Charge

Provides older adults choice in the way they receive services and who provides them. With the help of SCES staff, older adults hire, train, schedule and supervise their own workers to assist with personal care and homemaking tasks. Workers can be partners, friends, neighbors, or any family member (except a spouse).

Take Charge Fact Sheet