Congregate Meal Sites
Congregate Meal Sites provide an opportunity to enjoy a hot and nutritious meal in a social setting, such as a local senior center or housing sites for older adults and people with disabilities.
Congregate Meal Sites are open for older adults, age 60 and over, and people who are under 60 and live in a building with a meal site.
Meals are available with no out-of-pocket cost for eligible guests; a voluntary contribution of $3 per meal is appreciated– but not required—for eligible guests. Meals are $5 for guests who do not meet eligibility requirements.
Our meals are catered by City Fresh Foods, a Boston-based vendor that specializes in fresh and nutritious food, made from ingredients you can pronounce.
Monthly Menus
Our menus are prepared under the supervision of a Dietitian and provide at least one-third of the recommended daily nutritional requirements for older adults.
September 2024 Menus
- Cambridge Court Breakfast (pdf)
- Cambridge Senior Center (pdf)
- Manning Apartments Dining Site (pdf)
- North Cambridge Senior Center (pdf)
- Somerville Senior Centers (pdf)
October 2024 Menus (coming soon!)
Transportation to congregate sites is available with a reservation by calling Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services at 617-628-2601.
List of Congregate Meal sites