Supporting your dignity and independence at home
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services is a not-for-profit that has been helping older adults maintain independence and well-being since 1972.
As a state and federally designated elder services access point, our primary mission is helping people Age in Place, regardless of income level. We help thousands of older adults, caregivers, and people with disabilities by providing information, services, and advocacy.
Connecting with SCES
Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services recognizes that each circumstance is unique, and we invite you to contact our Aging Information Center for a free consultation about your situation, goals, and needs.
Just fill out the form below, and one of our Elder Care Advisors will contact you shortly. They will ask some questions and listen closely, with the goal of answering questions and identifying helpful resources. All communications with our agency are confidential.
If you wish, we will also connect you with an Options Counselor to learn more about what you need and determine what we can do to help make you safer, healthier, and happier.
Together, We Form a Plan
Your plan might include in-home services such as personal care assistance, homemaking, shopping, laundry, home-delivered meals, money management assistance, or advice on selecting the right health insurance plan.
Many of our program are subsidized, and our Elder Care Advisors can confirm eligibility and outline your options. As a mission-driven non-profit, our priority is finding programs that can help you reach your goals.
If you have questions about aging, caregiving, or disability, contact Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services today—we are here to help.