Welcome to Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services!
We’re a non-profit elder services agency that’s dedicated to helping people maintain independence and well-being at home, by providing services, supports, and information.
Having served Somerville and Cambridge for more than 40 years, we know that most older adults prefer to stay in their homes as long as possible– and we can help navigate that process.
We facilitate a wide range of state and federal programs, which can be accessed through our Aging Information Center. This free community resource provides ready access to the following:
Information & Guidance
Aging can be complicated. But our Elder Care Advisors are experts on aging, caregiving, and disability issues—and can facilitate access to resources that can help.
In-Home Services
We provide a wide range of programs that support health and well-being, including Meals on Wheels, caregiver support, and assistance with daily tasks (such as housecleaning and personal care) through our Home Care program.
Volunteer Programs
Our volunteer programs help older adults maintain their current lifestyle, providing everything from basic companionship to medical advocacy.
Contact our Aging Information center at 617-628-2601 during regular business hours, or fill out the contact form below and we’ll be in touch within one business day.